Three journeys, in fact, into the power and nourishment of connecting to your ancestral waters.

The Ancestral Connection Collection is a curated collection of powerful ancestral journeys and practices.

These journeys and meditations have been hand-selected from a variety of past live ceremonies and online containers - and are available to you now exclusively within this collection.

It is my sacred hope that you find deep nourishment, insight, revelation and connection within the journeys and practices available to you here.

This collection holds the intention to weave together different forms and approaches to connecting to your ancestors and ancestral wisdom.

Through my signature style of evocative guided journeying, gentle nourishing space-holding and powerful exploratory practices, I'm inviting you into some of my most beloved ancestral connection ceremonies.

Whether you are just starting to dip your toe in or are well-acclimated to these waters, there is something for everyone here.

What's inside the Collection?

Here's a little sneak peak into what awaits inside:

  • Meet Your Ancestral Guide: Soul Pilgrimage (65 mins)

  • Ancestral Waters: Clearing & Rippling Change (45 mins)

  • Ancestral Womb Activation: Voice & Womb Embodiment Practice (42 mins)

  • BONUS: Meeting Your Motherline Guided Meditation (12 mins)

Take my hand... we'll dive in together.

You can purchase the full collection for the special price of $97 and start deepening your living connection with your Ancestors.

Get instant access and step inside!

Valued at $159, you'll get access for life for just $97

DISCLAIMER: The content within this collection is for individual use only. It is not for sharing or replicating. All content inside the collection will be lifelong access in so far as this online platform is functional in my business. You will receive contact if the event that this content should ever become unavailable. By purchasing the Ancestral Connection Collection, you agree that you are self-resourced and supported to navigate the emotional realms within ancestral healing and, whilst I am always here to support your further, you do not hold me, Rachel Hodgens, responsible for any physical and emotional upheaval or trauma that arises within the exploration of this self-paced course.

There are no refunds on this digital product.