Welcome, wild kin...

This is a space crafted with the specific intention for you to come Home.

In a world where we can become so focused on the learnings and unravelings, on in-depth exploration through courses, books, masterclasses and other content available for consumption, I invite you to picture yourself in a sacred space within which there is nothing for you to do but simply be and experience.

No books, no lesson requirements, no information for you absorb.

In fact, your only preparation is to arrive with a warm drink in hand and a comfortable place to land.


And instead of the teaching and learning of a particular subject or point of focus, we go on a journey together.

Wild Kin is the convergence of just that – your wild kin.

A gathering of souls who desire the same thing that you desire: 

a profound inner knowing // an exquisite sense of (re)connection // an expansion into realms unseen


And I’ll be your guide.


I’m inviting you to join me and to gently ease your hands off the wheel.

I’ve got you. There’s nothing you need know or do, other than allow yourself to be taken to where your soul wishes to meet you.

Does your heart crave sacred space with other WILD KIN?

Our season's theme:


Could there be anything more perfect (or more potent) to shift into the darker months of Autumn together, than exploring the power of attune-ment and communion?

This is the theme which will carry us along our journey and be woven into our three ceremonial containers.

Let's attune to the subtle currents of energy surrounding us. to the rhythms that drop us deep into communion with the wisdom of the earth, of our bodies, of our ancestors, of our soul's desires. We'll attune to our sense of place, to the senses, to our true belonging and untapped potential.

What will the calls look like?

Throughout each season of Wild Kin we will be guided by our theme.

Every ceremony will be channelled intuitively in the lead up to each gathering. This means that each call will be informed by the energy and insights arising and relevant at the time we gather.

With that in mind, each ceremony can look completely different but may involve any of the following:

- Breath work
- Embodied movement
- Shamanic journeying
- Cacao and/or tea ceremony
- Visualisation and meditation

When we begin:

Our journey through ceremony begins on the day of Lammas (the first Harvest Festival within the wheel of the year) and from there this journey will carry us through the season of the Autumn and into the darker half of the year.


Our dates for gathering can be found below.

All ceremonies are recorded and available for replay.

Our gatherings:

  • February 2nd - 7pm AEDT

  • March 3rd - 7pm AEDT

  • April 4th - 7pm AEST

Your Investment

Access to Wild Kin for this three month ceremonial container is available for the one-off price of $299.

Please note: When selecting to pay through a payment plan, there may be up to a 24 hour delay in access to the portal as I will 'enrol' you manually. Thank you for your patience!