Slip off your shoes, and walk the moss-covered path down through the trees.

Breathe the air and the scent of dark soil as you venture in.

Come to the clearing and find us waiting.

We’re here by the grand fire, gathered on the earth and throned upon logs and rocks.

There is a place for you here, by the warmth of this growing fire.

Take your seat.

We’re here for your re-membering.

These are not your average masterclasses, these are intimate conversations.

Each talk is intimate and unique - recorded specifically for the Trove with Rachel Hodgens (feminine embodiment & cyclical living coach and host of Weaving the Wild podcast).

You won’t find a classroom inside the Trove, but you will find a fire to land beside to listen, receive and awaken ancient truths and knowing in your body.

Woven inside the Trove, you’ll find more than the information your feminine being has been hungry for.

You’ll drink in the medicine of each woman’s knowledge and embodied wisdom.

It’s feminine wisdom the way you were meant to receive it: through story, through gnosis, through embodied experience and women’s voices. You’ll feel this wisdom land, as it activates your heart, your womb, the very marrow of your bones. This is a cellular remembering.

The Wilde Woman Trove is a gathering of ‘experts’ - the wise women and wisdom holders who are embodied in their art, their craft and their medicine.

In short, it is the gift of what you deserve.

A trove of pure gold and gems and pearls that you were ALWAYS meant to have.

This has rightfully belonged to you since birth.

All you have to do now, is reach out and claim it.

Unlock the Wilde Woman Trove


Breathe into this rich gathering of wisdom holders inside the Trove

Get lifetime access to the Wilde Woman Trove for $222 USD

Unlock the Trove

Immerse yourself in these realms with wilde women teachers speaking from heart, soul & womb.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Wilde Woman Trove

    1. Denell Randall: Cervix Codes - The Mouthpiece of Health, the Record Keeper & the Motherline

    2. Alexandra Durigan: Well-Watered Tissues & Pleasure in the Body

    3. Abigail Hinds: Breast Tending for Health, Vitality & Sacred Connection

    4. Adelaide Meadow: Female Physiology - Strength, Posture & Alignment for Vitality & Pelvic Function

    5. Tessa Bobir: Yoni Steaming & Sacred Tending

    6. Chloe Skerlak: Vulva Mapping & The Power of Menstrual Blood Magick

    1. Karinda Maree: The Big O(vulation) & Fertility for Thriving Vitality

    2. Briony Goodsell: Menstrual Cycle Alignment - Attuning to the Gifts of Your Inner Seasons

    3. Emily Jane: FAM for an Empowered Cycle

    4. Lucia Mazzella: The Power of a Well-Fed Woman - How to Eat for your Hormones & Nourishment

    5. Claudia Scalisi: Wild Menopause

    6. Samantha Zipporah: Herbal Pregnancy Prevention & Empowered Abortion - An Ancestral Legacy, Homesteading Skill & The Sacred Yes

    1. Haley Nichole: Sacred (Pre)Conception - The Journey of Preparing Physically & Spiritually

    2. Karma: Primal Conception & Spirit Baby Connection

    3. Anna (The Spiritual Midwife): Sacred Physiologic Birth

    4. Megan McGuire: Ancestral Mothering Rites and Ancient Traditions & Rituals

    5. Maha Al Musa: Sensual & Embodied Birth - Meeting Your Fear & Power, Bellydance & the Journey into Menopause

    6. Rachelle Garcia Seliga: Sacred Postpartum for Well-Nourished & Supported Mothers

    7. Dr Jessica Hodgens: Sacred Mothering & Holding the future of humanity in our arms

    8. Alicia Armstrong: Nurturing Our Children: Big Emotions & the Essential Role of Nature & Play

    1. Pru Rustean: Earth Altars, Ceremony and the Sacred Elements & Directions

    2. Julie Bell: Herbs for Women & Our History as Healers

    3. Jay Schwartz: Foraging & Herbalism and Re-membering our belonging to the Earth

    4. Gabriella Cerince: The Wheel of the Year, Connecting to the Old Ways & the Dance of the Goddess

    5. Becky Cole: Permaculture Principles to Design Your Whole Life

    6. Jules Benefico: Astro-Herbalism, Medical Astrology & Planetary Magick

    7. Ayesha Durrani: Wealth Codes & Your Astrological Blueprint for Business & Soul Purpose

    8. Britt Johnson: Evolutionary Astrology, Karmic Cycles & Radical Soul Realisation

    9. Lily Thrasher: Lilith & Astrology (Mythology, Patriarchy & Astrological Placements of Rejection, Shame & Power)

    1. Venessa Rodriguez: Business Devas, Intuitive Business & Coming out of the Spiritual Closet

    2. Sara Francis: Cyclical Business & Grounding into Flow, the Void and Joyful Play

    3. Dr Sarah Coxon: Regenerative Business for Earth, Collective & Personal Healing

    4. Kat HoSoo Lee: The Energetics of Money

About this course

  • $222.00
  • 45 lessons
  • 61 hours of video content

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