Drop into Winter's descent...

This 90 minute masterclass is absolutely jam-packed with ritual (both ancient + new), earthly seasonal wisdom and gentle reframes that allow you to truly drop into the magick of this potent time of year.

The earth has settled into a restful quiet as Winter blankets the land in her ancient stillness.

The Winter Solstice now approaches.

The shortest day. The longest night.

What stirs within the fertile darkness, as one earthly cycle ends and another begins?

Join me in this interactive workshop meets sacred circle where we dive deep into the energy of Winter Solstice.

We'll explore the rich energy of this pivotal point in the year, and how it relates to the Feminine flow of energy.

We'll explore practices + rituals to connect to and celebrate the Winter Solstice in ways that stir and awaken our ancient soul with remembering.

Through guided meditation, you'll drop deeply into the earth's energy before connecting to your own vision for the season ahead.

Together, we'll feel into the sparks of new life that call from deep within and honour what lies ready to germinate come Spring.

This workshop gives you the tools + information to better understand the tradition of Winter Solstice and the seasonal cyclic energy of this time.

But it also invites you to embody this energy and drop deep into its space of dreams and visioning.

This is the Feminine way.

To soften + embody.

To ignite + remember.

What's included in the Masterclass:

  • Explore the ancient symbolism of Winter Solstice

  • Learn practices + rituals to celebrate the Solstice

  • Guided meditation to connect to the Earth's Winter energy

  • Powerful guided visualisation practice

  • Journal prompts for envisioning the season ahead

A quick note:

The recording available within this masterclass was held live in June 2021.

As such the dates mentioned within the live gathering are referring to the time of the Winter Solstice (in the southern hemisphere) in 2021.

This does not affect the content of the masterclass - which is absolutely packed with ancient wisdom, symbolism, seasonal rhythms, ancestral traditions, practices and modern-day rituals PLUS powerful meditation and visualisation practices which you will be guided through.

As the recording was held live, you are being invited into the circle and gaining access to everything that was shared. Please enter with love and respect.

Purchase of this masterclass is non-refundable.